Insights and Discoveries: I AM…
ACHIEVER®: I am a hard worker
ACTIVATOR®: I am impatient with inactivity
ADAPTABILITY®: I am a here-and-now person
ANALYTICAL®: I am logical and objective in my approach
ARRANGER®: I am comfortable with lots of moving parts
BELIEF®: I am passionate and uncompromising about core values
COMMAND®: I am direct and decisive
COMMUNICATION®: I am verbally expressive
COMPETITION®: I am aware of my competitors
CONNECTEDNESS®: I am incredibly aware of the borderless and timeless human family
CONSISTENCY®: I am more interested in group needs than individual wants
CONTEXT®: I am appreciative of my predecessors and prior events
DELIBERATIVE®: I am a vigilant observer of potential risk
DEVELOPER®: I am patient with the inexperience and unseasoned
DISCIPLINE®: I am an efficient manager of limited resources
EMPATHY®: I am an emotional person
FOCUS®: I am intensely and intentionally single-minded
FUTURISTIC®: I am fascinated with tomorrow
HARMONY®: I am calm, even-keeled
IDEATION®: I am unaffected by the ambiguity and risk of innovation
INCLUDER®: I am aware of exclusion and understand its repercussions
INDIVIDUALIZATION®: I am a customizer
INPUT®: I am a utilitarian resource collector
INTELLECTION®: I am conceptual, deep, solitary
LEARNER®: I am one who enjoys the experience of being a learner
MAXIMIZER®: I am committed to excellence
POSITIVITY®: I am optimistic, hopeful, fun-loving
RELATOR®: I am genuine and authentic
RESPONSIBILITY®: I am someone others often trust to get things done
RESTORATIVE®: I am not intimidated by points of pain or dysfunction
SELF-ASSURANCE®: I am internally confident in the midst of external uncertainty
SIGNIFICANCE®: I am interested in being seen as significant so that I can accomplish something significant
STRATEGIC®: I am willing to consider all the possibilities so the best isn’t missed
WOO®: I am socially fast and outgoing
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