Give them the extra support they need!
I can help your 20-something build the strongest foundation to carry them through their 30s and beyond.
Discover Their Strengths
We’ll use the CliftonStrengths® Assessment to put names to their natural talents and learn how to better apply them to future endeavors.
Financial Coaching
We’ll talk budgets and start building good financial habits using automated tools, while also exploring ways to grow their money.
Stress Management
We’ll examine self-destructive habits and find ways to replace them with tools such as essential oils and focus trackers.
Career Advice
As we explore natural talents and their current skills base, we’ll create a strengths-based resume that can be tailored to any job or life aspiration.
Let Me Help Your 20-Something Find Success With Personalized Coaching
Leaving “the nest” is such an exciting and bittersweet time, isn’t it?
While your child feels ready to begin the transition into young adulthood, it’s hard not to worry about him/her. Right? How will they survive on their own? What will they eat? How will they manage their time and money? How will they figure out how to handle everything in life?
Hopefully, they have learned plenty of life skills from you and are ready to tackle life’s experiences.
Maybe you are like many parents who found themselves too busy to fully teach basic foundational life skills such as cooking a nutritious meal, managing money on a budget, setting boundaries in a relationship, or even putting air in car tires.
There is so much to teach a kid about life, isn’t there? If you are like me, you want your child to thrive in adulthood. The problem is Home Economic classes in high school are gone, and they might have not learned enough skills to hit the ground running. Sure they could learn some stuff of YouTube, but how would you know they are receiving sound and wise advice?
Here’s where I can help.
My Signature JUST BECOME YOU™ Program for 20-somethings
It's a jungle out there.
In the first six-session coaching package called OPEN YOUR EYES, I will work with your young adult and help him/her start creating a better awareness of who they are as a unique human being, and help them truly start feeling comfortable in their own skin.
Life is hard.
In the next six-session coaching package called LOOK AT YOUR LIFE, we will start looking at the quality and depth of their life foundations (health, wealth, relationships) and work on areas that rate low.
The opportunities are endless.
In the final six-session coaching package called DEFINE YOUR FUTURE, we will create a current Life Blueprint with an action planning system that can be applied to a comprehensive vision for the upcoming year and beyond.
You've invested time into your child. Don't let it stop now.
By supporting your adult child with a personal Life Coach, you can sit back and reap the rewards as I build off your training, guiding them to the next level of early adulthood.
How Do I Know If Coaching Is Right For My Young Adult?
Your young adult will begin to see themself in a new way that hopefully will differentiate them from others they see on social media. (Click for more details)
I will work with your young adult and help him/her:
- Discover their natural talent themes via the CliftonStrengths® assessment
- Revisit childhood strengths and interests for future possibilities
- Work on a resume and an exhaustive list of developed skills
- Articulate dreams and desires for the future
- Create a mind map reflecting who the young adult is today
- Generate a Personal Summary Statement
Your young adult will receive unconditional support in our "no judgement zone" sessions. (Click for more details)
Each session will include:
- 15-minute Listening Session
- Recap documented in a private Evernote® shared note
- Identifying and rating (1-10) the week’s Focus Issue
- Brainstorming action items
- Anchoring the resulting plan with a Focus Tracker sheet
- Personal Growth Homework
Your young adult will start building necessary life skills to help them deal with hard things. (Click for more details)
I will work with your young adult and help him/her:
- Assess the quality and depth of their life foundations: Health, Wealth, Relationships
- Creating a personalized rating system for current strength of foundations
- Start working on an area that rates low and find a way to make it better
- Create a Happy You list recording personal likes, strengths, and successes
- Start creating their Life Storyline via prompts
Your young adult will start developing an awareness that they have choices and are empowered to choose the best ones that align with their strengths. (Click for more details)
I will work with your young adult and help him/her:
- Continue developing their life foundations: Health, Wealth, Relationships
- Create a comprehensive Dream Life vision
- Create a Life Blueprint for a determined time period
- Create Action Plans with which to begin a new future
Your young adult will forever be connected to me as a form of support. (Click for more details)
This Signature Program taps into all of MY greatest strengths and offers the best value and results for your young adult. It is my ultimate passion to help 20-somethings build the strongest foundation to carry them through their 30s and beyond.
My Approach
I help grownups (young and old) who are feeling a bit lost, discover their hidden talents and get back on their path–with renewed vigor and strength.
When life feels overwhelming, it is often helpful to take a break, gather new tools and supplies, and refocus on a clear vision. Working together, we often will begin with the end in mind and (using talents they were born with) start creating an action plan for their journey.
As they begin to write their own story, they will discover hidden superpowers and potential that they couldn’t see before. It isn’t long before they are on their way again just being themself at their best!

How It Works
Schedule a Free Consult
Let’s see if I am a good fit for your young adult. Coaching is an investment, and I want to make sure you get good value and a satistified return on that investment.
Choose a Coaching Plan
Personal Growth takes time, vulnerability, and effort. Although we can make some amazing shifts in a short amount of time, going through the entire process will create a deeper foundation for the future.
Support Your Young Adult
Using my top 10 unique talents (Strategic, Ideation, Learner, Activator, Futuristic, Maximizer, Connectedness, Individualization, Arranger, Woo), I will help your young adult put their unique pieces together and create a vision for their strongest future.
6-Session Coaching Package: OPEN YOUR EYES
More Details
It’s a jungle out there. In this six-session coaching package, I will work with your young adult and help him/her:
- Discover their natural talent themes via the CliftonStrengths assessment
- Revisit childhood strengths and interests for future possibilities
- Work on a resume and an exhaustive list of developed skills
- Articulate dreams and desires for the future
- Create a mind map reflecting who the young adult is today
- Generate a Personal Summary Statement
Each session will include:
- 15-minute Listening Session
- Recap documented in a private Evernote® shared note
- Identifying and rating (1-10) the week’s Focus Issue
- Brainstorming action items
- Anchoring the resulting plan with a Focus Tracker sheet
- Personal Growth Homework
12-Session Coaching Package: OPEN YOUR EYES + LOOK AT YOUR LIFE
More Details
Life is hard. In this six-session coaching package, I will work with your young adult and help him/her:
- Assess the quality and depth of their life foundations: Health, Wealth, Relationships
- Creating a personalized rating system for current strength of foundations
- Start working on an area that rates low and find a way to make it better
- Create a Happy You list recording personal likes, strengths, and successes
- Start creating their Life Storyline via prompts
Each session will include:
- 15-minute Listening Session
- Recap documented in a private Evernote® shared note
- Identifying and rating (1-10) the week’s Focus Issue
- Brainstorming action items
- Anchoring the resulting plan with a Focus Tracker sheet
- Personal Growth Homework
More Details
The opportunities are endless. In this six-session coaching package, I will work with your young adult and help him/her:
- Continue developing their life foundations: Health, Wealth, Relationships
- Create a comprehensive Dream Life vision
- Create a Life Blueprint for a determined time period
- Create Action Plans with which to begin a new future
- Graduation!
Each session will include:
- 15-minute Listening Session
- Recap documented in a private Evernote® shared note
- Identifying and rating (1-10) the week’s Focus Issue
- Brainstorming action items
- Anchoring the resulting plan with a Focus Tracker sheet
- Personal Growth Homework