Insights and Discoveries: I NEED…
ACHIEVER®: I need freedom to work at my own pace
ACTIVATOR®: I need less discussion, more action
ADAPTABILITY®: I need present pressures that demand an immediate response
ANALYTICAL®: I need time to think
ARRANGER®: I need a dynamic environment
BELIEF®: I need a cause or purpose for which to live
COMMAND®: I need challenges and conflicts
COMMUNICATION®: I need a sounding board, an audience
COMPETITION®: I need peers for comparison and motivation
CONNECTEDNESS®: I need to be a part of something bigger than myself: a family, a team, an organization, a global community, or a cosmos
CONSISTENCY®: I need standard operating procedures
CONTEXT®: I need relevant background for discussions/decisions
DELIBERATIVE®: I need time to listen and think before being expected to speak
DEVELOPER®: I need someone to invest in
DISCIPLINE®: I need a structured and organized environment
EMPATHY®: I need freedom to laugh, cry, vent
FOCUS®: I need a goal to establish priorities
FUTURISTIC®: I need opportunities to talk about the foreseen future
HARMONY®: I need areas of agreement, common ground
IDEATION®: I need freedom to explore possibilities without restraints or limits
INCLUDER®: I need room for everyone
INDIVIDUALIZATION®: I need individual expectations that are created to fit a person
INPUT®: I need space to store the resources I naturally acquire
INTELLECTION®: I need time for reflection and meditation
LEARNER®: I need exposure to new information and experiences
MAXIMIZER®: I need quality to be valued as much as quantity
POSITIVITY®: I need freedom to experience the joy and drama of life
RELATOR®: I need time and opportunities for one-on-one interactions
RESPONSIBILITY®: I need freedom to take ownership
RESTORATIVE®: I need problems that must be resolved
SELF-ASSURANCE®: I need freedom to act unilaterally and independently
SIGNIFICANCE®: I need an appreciative audience that will bring out my best
STRATEGIC®: I need freedom to make mid-course corrections
WOO®: I need social variability
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