Called to Guide 20-Somethings: My Journey to Faith, Strengths, and Purpose

Called to Guide 20-Somethings: My Journey to Faith, Strengths, and Purpose

Hello and welcome—I’m so glad you’re here. Let me introduce myself: I’m a 60-something woman living a life filled with love, growth, and God’s purpose. I’m a wife, mother of four (plus two wonderful stepchildren), a mother-in-law, a grandmother, a daughter, and a friend. Each role has brought me joy and challenge, shaping the woman I am today.

But here’s the thing—about 15 years ago, I felt a call deep in my heart. God was nudging me toward something new, something bold. He made it clear that I was being called to help 20-somethings navigate the twists and turns of life. At first, I wasn’t sure what that looked like or why He chose me for this work, but over time, His purpose unfolded.

The years between 20 and 30 are full of possibility—and let’s be honest—sometimes full of overwhelm. It’s when life feels like a whirlwind of figuring out who you are, where you’re going, and what really matters. I know that feeling because I’ve lived it, and I’ve seen it in my own children. God has placed it on my heart to be a guide during this time, helping 20-somethings build a foundation of faith, strengths, and clarity that will carry them confidently into their 30s and beyond.

Why I’m Here for You

Here’s what I’ve learned in my 60+ years: You don’t need to have it all figured out. What you do need is to know who you are, lean into your God-given strengths, and trust in His plan for your life. That’s why I’m passionate about helping young adults design lives that feel balanced, authentic, and aligned with their values.

I’m also a firm believer in the power of living a strengths-based life. Tools like CliftonStrengths® have helped me—and the people I coach—discover what we’re naturally good at and how to use those talents to build a thriving life. But beyond any tool or strategy, my faith is the foundation.

Rooted in Faith and God’s Word

While I’ve spent years guiding others, I’ve also been on my own journey of growth. Right now, I’m reading the entire Bible for the first time—yes, in my 60s! And what a journey it’s been. Every chapter reminds me that God’s Word is timeless, full of wisdom for every season of life.

Recently, I came across Proverbs 6:20-23, and it felt like a perfect reflection of my purpose:

“My son, keep your father’s command and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. Bind them always on your heart; fasten them around your neck. When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you. For this command is a lamp, this teaching is a light, and correction and instruction are the way to life.”

These verses remind me why I was called to this work 15 years ago—to offer wisdom and guidance that can serve as a light during the unpredictable twists and turns of your 20s.

What This Means for You

To every 20-something reading this, I want you to know that you are seen and loved. You might be feeling stuck, doubting yourself, or overwhelmed by life’s transitions. Maybe you’re wondering if God even has a plan for you. I see you. And I want you to know that His plan is already at work.

I’m here to walk with you through this season—to help you discover your unique strengths, deepen your faith, and find clarity. You don’t need to have all the answers, but with the right tools and a strong foundation, you can design a life that reflects who you truly are and who God created you to be.

What You’ll Find Here

In this space, I’ll share the insights and tools that have transformed my own life, along with reflections from God’s Word. I’ll write about living a strengths-based life, deepening your faith, and navigating life’s biggest transitions with confidence. My hope is that these posts inspire and equip you to take bold steps forward, rooted in your God-given purpose.

If this resonates with you, stick around—I’ve been preparing for this work for over 15 years, and I’d love to walk this path with you.

With faith and purpose,
Coach Kat


I’m here to help you release self-doubt then hone your unique strengths so you can live the life you’ve always dreamed of. 


Get help, if you need it.

I am always here to help you. Schedule a free 30-minute ASK ME ANYTHING call, or book a coaching session with me.


What are your strengths? Find out here.


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