Explore Your Coaching Options with Kat Frati

I’m here to help you uncover your natural strengths, empower your personal growth, and support you on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself. Whether you’re looking for a quick introduction or a deeper, ongoing coaching experience, I’ve got options to...

Unlock Your Strengths

In the quest to fit in, don’t forget to stand out. -- Coach Kat I’m Kat, and I’m passionate about helping people, especially 20-somethings, discover the strengths that make them truly unique. I believe that when you tap into your natural talents, you can create a life...

When You Learn to Love the Unpleasant, Your Life Becomes More Beautiful

We often go through life with an instinctive preference for what we find beautiful or pleasing, whether it's in the people we meet, the environments we inhabit, or even in our own reflections in the mirror. Yet, what if the secret to a more beautiful life wasn't in...
How to Prevent a Panic Attack: Strategies for Calm and Control

How to Prevent a Panic Attack: Strategies for Calm and Control

Panic attacks can be overwhelming and frightening experiences, often striking without warning. These intense periods of fear or discomfort can involve heart palpitations, sweating, trembling, a sense of unreality, or fear of impending doom. Understanding how to...

My Top 10 Tips for Staying Calm & Healthy This Holiday Season

My Top 10 Tips for Staying Calm & Healthy This Holiday Season

A few years ago, I was one busy girl. My husband and I were nurturing SIX children between us, working FIVE days per week, growing FOUR businesses, managing THREE rental properties, wrangling TWO chronic health issues, and appreciating ONE chance to live a great life....

Tired? Uncover the Reason Why with This Simple Trick

Tired? Uncover the Reason Why with This Simple Trick

“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise” ~Benjamin Franklin Are you feeling exhausted? You're not alone. This sentiment seems to echo everywhere, from the weary words of my children to the lethargic conversations I overhear daily. It's...

The Irreplaceable Essence of Essential Oils in an AI-Driven World

The Irreplaceable Essence of Essential Oils in an AI-Driven World

In a world increasingly dominated by artificial intelligence (AI), there's something profound and deeply human about the timeless allure of essential oils. While AI continues to revolutionize our lives in countless ways, there are certain things it simply cannot...

Transform Your Home into a Haven of Self-Care

Transform Your Home into a Haven of Self-Care

Ever wish you could check into a bed and breakfast just to escape the daily grind and indulge in some well-deserved "me time"? What if I told you that you could create that nurturing oasis right in your own home? It’s true! With a few simple touches, your living space...

The Power of SISU: How My Finnish Mother Showed True Grit

The Power of SISU: How My Finnish Mother Showed True Grit

In the heart of every great family story, there's a lesson that can touch us all. My mother, 86 years old, recently lived out an event that speaks volumes about toughness and the will to get through tough times. Her story is a perfect example of "sisu" – a word from...

Why You Might Want to Team Up with Me, Coach Kat!

Why You Might Want to Team Up with Me, Coach Kat!

Hello there! It's Coach Kat, your guide to personal and professional transformation. You might be wondering, "Why would I choose Kat Frati as my coach?" Let me share a glimpse of what makes coaching with me unique! Discover Your Superpowers. I thrive on helping you...

Elevate Your Yoga Experience with Essential Oils: A 12-Month Journey

Elevate Your Yoga Experience with Essential Oils: A 12-Month Journey

Namaste, lovely souls! You all know that yoga isn't just a physical practice; it's a holistic experience that involves your mind, body, and spirit. But what if I told you that you could amplify this unity through the power of nature's elixirs—essential oils? More Than...

Here’s Why Taking Care of You is a Win for Us All

Here’s Why Taking Care of You is a Win for Us All

As we elevate ourselves, we uplift the world around us. Your well-being isn't a solo journey; it's the first note in a symphony of collective harmony. -- Coach Kat Frati Listen, taking care of yourself isn't just about bubble baths and yoga classes. This is about the...

Do You Have a Personal Health Plan?

Do You Have a Personal Health Plan?

"The first wealth is health."  -- Ralph Waldo Emerson Every New Year, I like to reflect on my life and see if there are any improvements that need to be made. The last few years, when the topic of Health Care became so prominent in the world, I decided to make sure my...

Chew on These Healthy Eating Ideas

Chew on These Healthy Eating Ideas

“Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are.”  —  Anthelme Brillat-Savarin Lately, I have been reading a lot of evidence that health, happiness, and prosperity can be directly connected to your gut health. This has lead me to add a few new habits to my...

Does Slow and Steady Win the Race?

Does Slow and Steady Win the Race?

Slow and steady wins the race.  -- Aesop Life feels so hectic sometimes, doesn't it? I have always been an on-the-go girl. Call it ADHD, type A, or highly energetic, I often find myself in a state of swirling overwhelm. When that happens, my body gives me signals...